My Classroom

My Classroom

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This week has been incredibly busy already as we have been preparing for valentine's day, and it is spirit week.  Today was Super Hero and Princess day, and I vote not to have is anymore for three reasons:
1.  I really don't have any articles of clothing that involve princesses or super heroes
2.  Everyone wears elaborate Halloween costumes that make them crazy hyper
3.  The costumes also make bathroom time longer and a bit more difficult for all involved
However, the good news is they were so tired that everyone took a nap today!

One of the hard things about teaching young children is some are still prone to unexpected tantrums.  With one student in particular, though, they are not at all unexpected, in fact I would be surprised if they did not occur a couple times each day.  Lately they have been getting more and more frequent, and the odd thing is that there is no common trigger (he just sort of cracks).  Yesterday we counted and he had literally five tantrums.  Now when I say tantrums I mean crying as loud as he can, usually yelling as well, and sometimes flailing himself all around.  Yesterday, however, was also different because during the fifth one he HIT me for the second time that day. (Don't worry I can take a hit from a five year, and did not get hurt it's just the principle of it all)  After the first time I told him if he ever hit me again he would have to go to the office and I was going to call his mom.  Well, needless to say I don't usually go back on my word.  He ended up being sent home for the rest of the day.  Today he came back a new boy, and the day was pretty impressive.  We will see what tomorrow will bring...

Tomorrow is pink day (I don't know why and the boys are not to excited about it, but at least I should have something to wear).

'Till then,


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