My Classroom

My Classroom

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"The Heart"

I haven't written in a while, but with all the craziness of Valentine’s Day I have a lot to talk about. 

In our class we have a cut out of one the student’s bodies, and we are slowly labeling the parts of the body.  Of course because it was Valentines talked about the heart.  Here are some of the responses I got when I asked the students what their heart does…
“It keeps you warm.”
“It makes your blood.”
“it gives you blood.”
“It goes bum bum, bum bum”
I then proceeded to have them feel their hearts, and one student was really concerned because he could not find his heart beat.  Here is what was said about that…
“I can’t feel my heart; all I feel is my bones.”
“Just hold your hand there, and you will feel it beating.” Me
“I still can’t feel it; I don’t think I have a heart.”
“If you didn’t have a heart you would be dead,” Another student.
I love hearing the things that come out of five-year-old’s mouths, and these questions just promote great conversations.
Here is a picture of our body...

On Monday we had our Valentines party in school.  In the morning everyone decorated bags for their valentines, and made a valentine for their parents.  Before lunch we exchange valentines.  The children had a blast handing out their goodies they had brought in, and were very excited the rest of the day.

Here are some pictures of our Valentine Party:

These are the valentines they made for their parents.  they sprinkle crayon shavings onto wax paper, and then I ironed it for them to melt the wax.  next, they cut out the heart, and we put the card together.  They also had the option to write either, "I Love You" or "Happy Valentines Day".  Lastly, we took pictures and put them in the bottom corner.  We had a lot of fun making them, and I think the parents enjoyed them as well.

Here are all of our Valentine goodies at the end of the day...

Happy Valentines,


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