My Classroom

My Classroom

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer is Coming to and End...

   Well, I haven't written in a long time, however, as this is mainly about my classroom the summer does not give me much to work with.  One of the benefits of being a teacher is that in the summer you completely forget that you even have a job, however, that tends to make August a very depressing month.  And here we are; August 4th.  It may come as a surprise to some (ME), but I actually have to return to work in just four days.
   You may remember at the end of last year I mentioned that I would be moving to a new classroom.  I have gone in this summer to rearrange the furniture, however, the entire classroom still needs to be set up next week before the students come.  Don't worry I have made several lists to keep me on track (I am a huge list maker).  I will post updates on the classroom setup next week, however, I wanted to answer the question that many often ask, "What does a teacher do during the summer??"

Here is what I did this summer (don't get to excited...)

1. Most importantly... I have been relaxing by the pool, (trying) to work on my tan, and spending some much needed bonding time with my dog, Vienna.

2. Of course I have been getting in as much husband time as possible (which is hard when this is his busy time at work).  We both have summer birthdays, and therefore, had a great time celebrating those.  We were also able to take a vacation to Vero Beach, Florida with most of Justin's family.

3. We have had several visitors this summer

4. I have been catching up on some good reading (I stockpile all school year, and then read them in the summer).

5. Trying out some new recipes

6. I painted and redecorated our master bathroom

7. As some of you may know, I am in the process of earning my Master's so, of course, I have spent the majority of my time here...

8.I have also taken up running just about every other day, and going to yoga 

9. I have to admit though I have also spent a little time staring at this...

10. And last, but not least, I have organized and reorganized my school stuff to take to my new classroom

Wish me luck as I once again start off on the journey that is a new school year (and yet another new classroom)!

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