My Classroom

My Classroom

Monday, August 22, 2011

My Favorite Time Of Day...

Well, here it is...

 If you cannot tell it is indeed nap time.  Today I had quite a few precious children decide to not take a nap (they still have to rest quietly)  I don't know how they do it because I know that if my head would have hit one of those cots today I would have been out within seconds (regardless of the fact that they are only about three feet long).

However, for two very good reasons I could not:
  1. That would mean leaving the children unattended, and I would no longer have a job.
  2. I am still trying to get back in the school year, and always have some sort of work to catch up on.

 Well now on to the reason I write, and the things that make my day interesting...
             (Oh yeah, and about those hidden personalities on the first day...)
Today, not only was it our first time getting out the paints (lots of fun involved in that), and having classroom jobs, but it was also my first time ever getting bit by a student.  Don't worry no skin was broken, however, I did think it was share worthy.  While this is a hazard (of many) to go with the job, I do not take it personally.  As young children we are trying to grow into our personalities and along with that comes control our emotions (Anger).  I know that this student and I are going to be spending a lot of time together this year, and as long as we can both control our emotion we will make it out alive.

While some situations may be harder to handle than others, don't worry, because there are still moments when I cannot seem to get enough.  For instance, on Fridays we are allowed to wear jeans and t-shirts, and when I walked into the school wearing a purple t-shirt instead of my usual red uniform shirt one of my students was a little confused.  I love it when they ask questions, and encourage curiosity, and that is the exact reason why this particular student often makes me smile.  When I walked in wearing my purple shirt she said,
"Ms. Lisa what happened to your red shirt?"
"It's Purple today"
"Well you can't teach us in that purple shirt can you?"
"I'm sure gonna try"

Lastly, I know I promised some updated classroom photos...

The finished group area (just got new calendar today!)

Remember, I mentioned we started classroom jobs today?  They were so excited to choose their jobs, and take on a new "big kid" responsibility.

One of our photo boards

Our creative expressions board

Family connections board (lesson plans, bios, newsletter, schedule, safety procedures)

Well, that's all I have for the time being but please remember when you are at work tomorrow that although you think no one notices my students would notice if you wore a new shirt, new shoes, a new hair style, or a new shade of eye make-up the second you walk in the door.

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