My Classroom

My Classroom

Friday, January 28, 2011


       Thank goodness it's Friday, and thank goodness it is almost 60 degrees in GA today.  I am happy to report that the trees we hung our bird feeders from were filled with birds the morning.  Everyone was so excited, and later when we were out on the playground they saw some hawks and thought that our food had attracted them as well.  I explained that we didn't really want those birds coming into our playground.

      Quote of the Day:
                "Ms. Lisa, ladies go first right?" Said a five year old boy as we were lining up to go outside.  So you see there are still a few gentlemen left.

      On another note our beloved fish, lava, dies while we were all stuck in our houses because of snow.  However, I went to PetSmart the other night with some fellow teachers and we picked out a new class pet.

       I know that they are a little hard to see, but he is a red crab named Mr. Pinchers.  The class was very excited to have a new pet, and they are having fun learning how to care for a pet crab.

Also, we had our school art gala last Friday, and I have finally downloaded the pictures of our classes exhibit.  We were given a sheet and told to decorate it, and this is what we came up with.  The students also all submitted a picture they made of their family.  In all the families really enjoyed the gala.

I am going to go enjoy my weekend now...


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